May 20, 2017

TM Forum Live, Nice, France 2017

My fourth time in TM Forum Live that took place in 2017 once again in Nice, France. Great place for a conference to network and strengthen the relationships with different parties, often at the end of the day over a glass of wine. I was happy to contribute to its success by participating in a panel discussion and a presenting in a workshop.

Panel: Delivering the Right Digital User Experience: Identifying Critical Factors for Success

I participated in a the discussion with Maud Levavasseur, Orange, Akhil Kapoor, Ericsson, Andrea Canessa, Oracle and former colleague Paul Spoors where we discussed influence of things as Open APIs, NFV and new digital ecosystem on customer experience,
The panel was part of Customer Centricity Live TM Forum stream

The panel was part of Customer Centricity Live TM Forum stream

Workshop: The Era of Me - Customer Centricity in the All-Digital World 

As part of the workshop sponsored by Salesforce, I did a presentation around "Flexible Customer Journey Management for the Sales Opportunity". With this as a trigger we did an exercise to draft an omnichannel journey and key related challenges and solutions.
The workshop was part of the Digital Transformation Journey Workshop

May 01, 2017

TM Forum Article on Catalog Integration

Product Catalog and Product Lifecycle Management have been some topics I have been closely involved with the last 8 years. It started from developing a product catalogue for telecommunications for my company, Liberty Global, then driving initiatives like e-commerce from an architecture perspective and defining the product catalog and lifecycle management strategy for Liberty Global.

 Catalog to Catalog Integration TM Forum Article

We decided to write an article at TM Forum with Lejla Pljevljak-Rasidagic from Zira about some ideas we have around catalog to catalog integratin. Going against the hype of enterprise product catalogues, we propose a more flexible approach where a catalogue to catalogue integration is a better model for the future of digital disruption and the multiple partners of an ecosystem.

Feel free to read the TM Forum article named "Is Catalog to Catalog Integration a better alternative to an Enterprise Catalog master?" and let me know your thoughts